
在牧之滨 https://bin.zaimu.de/post/20170520

偶然看到一个材料, 说的是圣殿的主管会巡查夜间看守圣殿的祭司, 若发现睡觉的, 那么, 他可以杖打他, 烧掉他的衣服, 让他赤身回家:

the man of the mountain of the house (the governor of the temple) goes round all the wards (every night) with burning torches before him; and in every ward where the person does not stand upon his feet, the man of the mountain of the house says to him, peace be to thee; if he finds he is asleep, he strikes him with his staff, and he has power to burn his clothes; and they say (in Jerusalem) what voice is that in the court? (it is answered) the voice of a Levite beaten, and his clothes burnt, because he slept in the time of his watch; R. Eliezer ben Jacob says, once they found my mother’s brother asleep, and they burnt his clothes

Misna Middot, c. 1. sect. 2.
T. Bab. Tamid, fol. 27. 2. & 28. 1.
Maimon. Beth Habbechira, c. 8. sect. 10.
Cele Hamikdash, c. 7. sect. 4.


启16:15 看哪,我来象贼一样。那儆醒、看守衣服、免得赤身而行、叫人见他羞耻的有福了!

主耶稣成为了圣殿的监督, 他会巡查自己的工人是否警醒. 睡着的人的衣服会被烧掉, 赤身而行.


对观福音书中都提到过, 他们来到了客西马尼, 主耶稣带领 彼得,约翰,雅各 三人去祷告, 让他们与他一同警醒. 主耶稣三次查看他们, 他们都睡着了.

不久前, 登山变相, 正是这三人. 登山变相与客西马尼是对应的, 都是祷告, 三人也都睡着了. 前者是摩西,以利亚显现, 天上有声音说话, 有光明的云彩; 后者是天使显现, 没有声音, 有的只是黑暗. 前者主耶稣改变形象, “脸面明亮如日头,衣裳洁白如光”, 而后者则是 “汗珠如大血点滴在地上”.

两处都可以看做是在圣殿, 是在至圣所. 但一个是光明, 一个是黑暗. 前者是白天, 如今是深夜. 三人是夜间看守圣殿的祭司, 主耶稣三次叫醒他们, 免得他们赤身而行.

之后, 主耶稣被拿着火把的祭司的仆人捉住, 被鞭打, 被剥光衣服.

当然, 这并不是故事的结局.